At the request of ELTF, Shri S R Vijayakumar, MP of Chennai Central took up the Education loan interest subsidy issue during 'Zero hour' in the Lok Sabha on 18th Dec 2014. He demanded an independent expert committee to be set up to investigate into the administration of education loan and interest subsidy scheme.
The text of his speech as published in the Lok Sabha site:
SHRI S.R. VIJAYA KUMAR (CHENNAI CENTRAL): Hon. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, I would like to bring to the notice of the august House an important matter. An independent expert Committee should be formed to investigate the administration
of educational loan interest subsidy. In response to my submission in the Lok Sabha on 30th July, 2014 under Rule 377, the hon. Finance Minister has written that the banks have been advised not to insist on payment of interest when the students are eligible for interest subsidy on educational loan. He has also mentioned that the banks have been asked to follow the guidelines. But in reality
we get a lot of complaints that the banks are forcing students to pay interest when they are eligible for interest subsidy. The poor students are forced to borrow money from all sources to repay the bank interest. The banks are creating only a small portion as eligible interest subsidy to the students. This defeats the very
purpose of the scheme to provide educational loan to poor students with comparable repayment. We get reports that the SBI classifies the educational loans as NPA even within four to five months after the moratorium and refer to Lok Adalat. This is causing mental agony to young students. There seems to be a lot of mess in administering interest subsidy on educational loans. I would like to
request the hon. Finance Minister to investigate the matter by forming a committee of independent expert