
Showing posts with label ELTF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ELTF. Show all posts
Independent expert committee to investigate education loan and interest subsidy scheme demanded in Lok Sabha
At the request of ELTF, Shri S R Vijayakumar, MP of Chennai Central took up the Education loan interest subsidy issue during 'Zero hour' in the Lok Sabha on 18th Dec 2014.  He demanded an independent expert committee to be set up to investigate into the administration of education...
7:52 AM
Education Loan Task Force (ELTF) launched at Chennai
India Vision online group and Action 2020 Team have been getting frequent requests from many meritorious poor students appealing for funds, as they could not get any bank loans for higher education. All along, partner groups of Action 2020 team have been supporting few of them, collecting funds from the members. On further examination, Action 2020...
2:59 AM