
Showing posts with label Performance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Performance. Show all posts
Performance of banks under education loan in Tamilnadu as at 30th Sep 2010
We got the information from State Level Bankers Committee, Tamilnadu on the education loan outstanding as on 30th Sep 2010 along with the total outstanding of advances.    As on 30th Sep 2010, in Tamilnadu all the Banks have an outstanding of Rs.8841 crores under...
5:20 AM
Education Loans - How banks have performed?
The following table gives the information of the outstanding advances under education loan and the total bank credit as at last Friday of March 2009.  All the PSU Banks put together have given finance to 15.80 lakh students amounting to 26925 crores.  The total bank credit as at that day was 22.83 lakh crores. The education loan constitutes...
10:13 AM